Home Remedies For Bulimia

Home Remedies For Bulimia

Home Remedies For Bulimia



Bulimia describes people who try to eat less to keep their weight down; then, every so often, they go on an eating binge. This is followed by purging (induced vomiting) or the taking of laxatives, so the food will be eliminated without being properly digested.

Bulimia can result in serious physical problems, including hypoglycemia, internal bleeding, ulcers, erratic heartbeat, kidney damage, menstrual cessation, low pulse rate and blood pressure, and glandular damage.

Some bulimics overdo exercise, in order to better manage weight and somehow improve an already unbalanced situation.

Professions requiring a beautiful appearance are where we are most likely to find bulimics (models, actors, dancers, ballet dancers). By her own admission, Princess Diane is a bulimic. Thinness is equated with beauty by many people.

Oddly enough, while anorexics tend to be overly thin, bulimics are generally just right; not too heavy or too thin.

But their way of life may produce hair loss, yellow skin, premature wrinkles, muscle fatigue, dizziness, and extreme weakness.

The primary physical signs are those which are caused by sessions of induced vomiting: swollen salivary glands, constant sore throat, hiatal hernia, esophageal inflammation, erosion of the enamel of the back teeth, swollen glands in the face and neck, and broken blood vessels in the face.

If laxative abuse is done, then rectal bleeding, bowel damage, and chronic diarrhea may result.

Excessive laxative use removes excess potassium and sodium, leading to muscle spasms, dehydration, and eventually cardiac arrest.

Bulimics tend to have low levels of serotonin, which can lead to increased cravings for simple carbohydrates (sugars). Yet it is likely that the binges produced those chronically low levels.

Home Remedies For Bulimia

  1. Do not eat any sugar or sugary foods. Avoid all junk food and white flour products. A simple, nourishing diet is urgently needed in order to restore the needed balance in life.
  2. The person should expect to experience temporary anxiety, depression, insomnia, and possible irritation, as he attempts to break with the old way of life. But the rewards are outstanding and well- worth the effort.
  3. CCK (cholecystokinin-pancreozymins) is a hormone, found in the small intestine and brain which signals a satisfying feeling and that it is time to stop eating. When a person gets into a pattern of overeating, that hormone is not properly produced. So the person only feels satisfied after heavily overeating a meal.
  4. The only solution is to rigorously eat just so much, even though it does not seem like enough. Eventually, the hormone will start being produced again in the proper amount at the proper time.


Author: Dr Izharul Hasan



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