Gulistan of Saadi
The Morals of Dervishes
Story 26
I remember having once walked all night with a caravan and then slept on the edge of the desert. A
distracted man who had accompanied us on that journey raised a shout, ran towards the desert and
took not a moment’s rest. When it was daylight, I asked him what state of his that was. He replied: ‘I
saw bulbuls commencing to lament on the trees, the partridges on the mountains, the frogs in the
water and the beasts in the desert so I bethought myself that it would not be becoming for me to sleep
in carelessness while they all were praising God.’
Yesterday at dawn a bird lamented,
Depriving me of sense, patience, strength and consciousness.
One of my intimate friends who
Had perhaps heard my distressed voice
Said: ‘I could not believe that thou
Wouldst be so dazed by a bird’s cry.’
I replied: ‘It is not becoming to humanity
That I should be silent when birds chant praises.’
Gulistan of Saadi | The Morals of Dervishes | Story 25
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