Gulistan of Saadi
On the Excellence of Contentment
Story 2
Two sons of amirs were in Egypt, the one acquiring science, the other accumulating wealth, till the
former became the ullemma of the period and the other the prince of Egypt; whereon the rich man
looked with contempt upon the faqih and said: ‘I have reached the sultanate whilst thou hast remained
in poverty as before.’ He replied: ‘O brother, I am bound to be grateful to the most high Creator for
having obtained the inheritance of prophets whilst thou hast attained the inheritance of Pharaoh and of
Haman, namely the kingdom of Egypt.’
I am that ant which is trodden under foot
Not that wasp, the pain of whose sting causes lament.
How shall I give due thanks for the blessing
That I do not possess the strength of injuring mankind?
Gulistan of Saadi | On the Excellence of Contentment | Story 1
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