Gulistan of Saadi
On Weakness and Old Age
Story 7
The son of a wealthy but avaricious old man, having fallen sick, his well-wishers advised him that it
would be proper to get the whole Quran recited or else to offer a sacrifice. He meditated a while and
then said: ‘It is preferable to read the Quran because the flock is at a distance.’ A holy man, who had
heard this, afterwards remarked: ‘He selected the reading of the Quran because it is at the tip of the
tongue but the money at the bottom of the heart.’
It is useful to bend the neck in prayers
If they are to be accompanied by almsgiving.
For one dinar he would remain sticking in mud like an ass,
But if thou askest for Alhamdu he will recite it a hundred times.
Gulistan of Saadi | On Weakness and Old Age | Story 6
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