Gulistan of Saadi
The Manners of Kings
Story 25
One of the Arab kings ordered his officials to double the allowance of a certain attendant because he
was always at the palace expecting orders while the other servants were engaged in amusements and
sports, neglecting their duties. A pious man who heard this remarked that high degrees at the court of
heaven are similarly bestowed upon servants:
If a man comes two mornings to serve the shah
He will on the third certainly look benevolently on him.
Sincere worshippers entertain the hope
That they will not be disappointed at the threshold of God.
Superiority consists in attending to commands.
The neglect of commands leads to exclusion.
Who possesses the criterion of righteousness
Places the head upon the threshold.
Gulistan of Saadi | The Manners of Kings | Story 24
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