Gulistan of Saadi
The Morals of Dervishes
Story 29
A man had a friend, who held the office of devan to the padshah, but whom he had not seen for a long
time; and, a man having asked him for the reason, he replied: ‘I do not want to see him.’ A dependent
however of the devan, who also happened to be present, queried: ‘What fault has he committed that
thou art unwilling to meet him?’ He replied: ‘There is no fault in the matter but a friend who is a devan
may be seen when he is removed from office.’
Whilst in greatness and in the turmoil of business
They do not like to be troubled by neighbors
But when they are depressed and removed from the office
They will lay open their heart’s grief to friends.
Gulistan of Saadi | The Morals of Dervishes | Story 28
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