Home Remedies For Fatigue Syndrome

Home Remedies For Fatigue Syndrome

Home Remedies For Fatigue Syndrome


Fatigue is the most common presenting complaint in doctor’s offices, and can be part of scores of serious medical conditions, as much as from overwork or lack of sleep. Underlying causes need to be identified, and natural medicine recognizes many less obvious contributing factors. These include chronic intestinal dysbiosis, liver overload, adrenal exhaustion, hidden infections (yeast, viral or parasitic), and food allergies. Typical short-term solutions such as caffeine, tobacco, sugar, and other stimulants are ultimately debilitating to the hormonal and nervous systems. That is why home remedies for fatigue syndrome are the best long-term option to complement your treatment.

Herbal medicines should be directed toward the underlying causes, but for simple fatigue, tonic and adaptogenic herbs can be relied upon. These have the ability to increase vitality and well-being, balancing and improving the function of the body’s major control systems—immune, hormonal, cardiovascular, and nervous. Thus they are particularly suitable for the effects of prolonged stress, both physical and psychological. This class of botanical medicines can help compensate for and overcome the effects of overwork, depression, prolonged illness, and convalescence after an illness. In this list of home remedies for fatigue syndrome, you will find the whole spectrum of benefits.

Optimal effects occur when tonics are taken long-term (i.e. one to six months). They are best taken in chronic illness, rather than acutely, and are typically used in a cycle of 3 weeks on and one week off.

Home Remedies

  1. Alfalfa-Medicago sativa
  • Improves appetite, and digestion; produces mental clarity and well-being.
  • Increases stamina and strength, and augments the ability to respond to stress.
  • For convalescence after a long illness, extreme stress. Reduces toxicity.
  • High in phytoestrogens, stimulates the body’s hormone production.
  • Note that alfalfa sprouts and especially seeds are potentially toxic.
  1. Astragalus-Milk Vetch/Astragalus membranaceous
  • For general weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, and shortness of breath.
  • An adaptogenic herb that stimulates immune function improves stamina.
  • Anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial effects; good for flu, and cold.
  • Strengthens people with cancer, after radiation or chemotherapy.
  1. Cordyceps-Cordyceps sinensis
  • Builds strength, endurance, stamina, and immunity. Reduces fatigue, and promotes lung and kidney function. Increases blood flow to the brain, and heart.
  • Increases male potency, and female vitality. Improves appetite and sleep.
  1. Ginseng-Panax Ginseng
  • Strengthening adrenals improve vitality and the ability to handle stress.
  • Improves physical and mental performance, and stamina; enhances mood.
  • Increases visual and motor coordination increases work capacity.
  • Antioxidant inhibits the formation of free radicals and stimulates immunity.
  1. Gotu Kola-Centella asiatica
  • Improves brain function, and memory. Anti-stress, anti-anxiety, relaxant.
  • Strengthens the body’s connective tissue and blood vessels and heals wounds.
  • Tonic and rejuvenator improves fertility and has anti-inflammatory effects.
  1. Licorice-Glycyrrhiza glabra
  • Provides steroid-like factors for the body’s own production of adrenaline, and cortisol; thus boosting adrenal function and adaptation to stress.
  • Antiviral and immune-enhancing herb, valuable for weakened states.
  1. Maitake-Grifola frondosa
  • Immune-stimulating effects; increases activity of immune cells (killer cells, etc.), as well as immune-modulating chemicals (interleukin 2).
  • D-fraction has shown positive results in Epstein-Barr and chronic fatigue; inhibits virus production, and protects cells from attack by toxins.
  1. Oats-Avena Sativa
  • Exhaustion from work, study, illness, drugs, alcohol, sexual excess.
  • Nutritive effect on the brain, rather than temporary stimulatory effect.
  • Greatly sharpens mental acuity, focus, and memory before an exam, etc..
  • Eases heart palpitations, effective for insomnia due to overfatigue.
  1. Schisandra-Schisandra chinensis
  • Improves adrenal and nervous system capacity. Counteracts effects of stimulants, coffee. Improves liver function and protects it from toxins.
  • Increasing work and efficiency levels and improving mood, memory, and sleep.
  • Re-regulates the immune system, helps with skin problems and has aphrodisiac effects.
  1. Siberian Ginseng-Eleutherococcus senticosus
  • An adaptogenic herb, excellent for exhaustion, fatigue, and immune weakness.
  • For effects of long stress (physical, emotional, mental) or after an illness.
  • Increases mental alertness, work output, and athletic performance.
  • It Enhances adrenals increase immunity and protects against toxins.
  1. St. John’s Wort-Hypericum perforatum
  • Inhibits viral activity and replication of herpes virus and Epstein-Barr.
  • Relieves depression that is a cause or effect of fatigue; improves sleep.
  1. Yerba Mate-Ilex paraguariensis
  • Stimulates like caffeine, but without causing nervousness; calms, and balances the nervous system. Improves sleep and mood, and reduces allergies.
  • Antioxidant increases oxygen to the heart and brain.


Author: Dr Izharul Hasan

Email: drizharnium@gmail.com



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