Gulistan of Saadi | On Love and Youth | Story 1

Gulistan of Saadi

On Love and Youth

 Story 1


Hasan Maimundi was asked that, as the Sultan Mahmud possesses so many beautiful slaves, each of
whom is a marvel in the world, how it happens that he manifests towards none of them so much
inclination and love as to Iyaz, although he is not more handsome than the others. He replied:
‘Whatever descends into the heart appears good to the eye.’

He whose murid’ the sultan is
If he does everything bad, it will be good.
But he whom the padshah throws away
Will not be cared for by anyone in the household.

If anyone looks with an unfavourable eye
Even the figure of Joseph will indicate ugliness
And if he looks with the eye of desire on a demon,
He will appear an angel, a cherub in his sigh.



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