Gulistan of Saadi | On Love and Youth | Story 15

Gulistan of Saadi

On Love and Youth

 Story 15


The beautiful wife of a man died but her mother, a decrepit old hag, remained in the house on account
of the dowry. The man saw no means of escaping from contact with her until a company of friends
paid him a visit of condolence and one of them asked him how he bore the loss of his beloved. He
replied: ‘It is not as painful not to see my wife as to see the mother of my wife.’

The rose has been destroyed and the thorn remained.
The treasure has been taken and the serpent left.
It is better that one’s eye be fixed on a spear-head
Than that it should behold the face of an enemy.
It is incumbent to sever connection with a thousand friends
Rather than to behold a single foe.



Gulistan of Saadi | On Love and Youth | Story 14

Gulistan of Saadi | On Love and Youth | Story 13

Gulistan of Saadi | On Love and Youth | Story 12

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