Gulistan of Saadi | On the Effects of Education | Story 8

Gulistan of Saadi

On the Effects of Education

 Story 8


I saw an Arab of the desert who said to his boy: ‘O son, on the day of resurrection thou wilt be asked
what thou hast gained and not from whom thou art descended, that is to say, thou wilt be asked what
thy merit is and not who thy father was.’

The covering of the Ka’bah which is kissed
Has not been ennobled by the silkworm.
It was some days in company with a venerable man
Wherefore it became respected like himself.



Gulistan of Saadi | On the Effects of Education | Story 7

Gulistan of Saadi | On the Effects of Education | Story 6

Gulistan of Saadi | On the Effects of Education | Story 5

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