Gulistan of Saadi | On the Excellence of Contentment | Story 5

Gulistan of Saadi | On the Excellence of Contentment | Story 5

Gulistan of Saadi

On the Excellence of Contentment

 Story 5


A man often made vows of repentance but broke them again till one of the sheikhs said to him: ‘I
think thou art in the habit of eating a great deal and that thy power of restraining appetite is more
slender than a hair, whilst an appetite such as thou nourishest would rupture a chain and a day may
come when it will tear thee up.’

A man brought up a wolf’s whelp.
When it was brought up it tore him up.



Gulistan of Saadi | On the Excellence of Contentment | Story 4

Gulistan of Saadi | On the Excellence of Contentment | Story 3

Gulistan of Saadi | On the Excellence of Contentment | Story 2

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