Gulistan of Saadi | The Morals of Dervishes | Story 31

Gulistan of Saadi | The Morals of Dervishes | Story 31

Gulistan of Saadi

The Morals of Dervishes

 Story 31


A man, being tormented story by a contrary wind in his belly and not having the power to retain it,
unwittingly allowed it to escape. He said: ‘Friends, I had no option in what I did, the fault of it is not
to be ascribed to me and peace has resulted to my internal parts. Kindly excuse me.’

The belly is a prison of wind, O wise man.
No sage retains wind in captivity.
If wind twists thy belly let it out
Because wind in the belly is a burden to the heart.



Gulistan of Saadi | The Morals of Dervishes | Story 30

Gulistan of Saadi | The Morals of Dervishes | Story 29

Gulistan of Saadi | The Morals of Dervishes | Story 28

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