Home Remedies For Dermatitis

Home Remedies For Dermatitis

Home Remedies For Dermatitis


Eczema also called dermatitis, is a group of skin disorders. Atopic eczema, allergic contact dermatitis, irritant contact dermatitis, infantile seborrhoeic eczema, adult seborrhoeic eczema, varicose eczema, and discoid eczema are different types of eczema. Atopic dermatitis is the most common type of eczema. It mainly occurs among infants and small children. Besides these, there is also dyshidrotic eczema that is prominent in warm weather and nummular eczema that affects people during the winters. These could affect any part of the body, especially the hands, feet, and chest areas. In more than 90% of cases, eczema is found to occur in children below 5 years of age. It is a noncontagious disease. As we all know the skin is the largest organ in the body and the most visible, so any condition affecting it is impossible to ignore. The skin is not only exposed to cuts, burns, bruises, and scrapes, but it can also develop diseases just like any other part of the body.

Dermatitis or Eczema is an inflammatory skin condition that produces blisters, redness, scaling, flaking, thickening, weeping, crusting, color changes, and itching that can be very annoying. Many times Dermatitis/eczema is allergic in nature mainly by coming in contact with different materials, chemicals, or plants, such as rubber, latex, perfumes, gold, silver, poison ivy, soap, cosmetics, etc.

People with thin dry skin are prone to develop dermatitis/eczema and other skin conditions. Another cause of dermatitis is sensitivity or allergy to some foods. Studies have shown that people with low stomach acid are sensitive to some types of foods thus making them prone to develop some kind of skin disorder.

People suffering from dermatitis/eczema are sensitive to some of the items listed above and should be mindful of their condition and avoid contact with any irritant. Prolonged exposure to the materials may worsen the symptoms and cause dermatitis to spread.

Another type of eczema called atopic dermatitis (AD) affects the face, elbows, and knees it’s extremely itchy. Also, nummular dermatitis attacks arms and legs and produces circular lesions caused by contact with nickel.


Eczema could be aggravated by irritants like smoke, chemicals, detergents, solvents, and so on. Even weather conditions could aggravate the condition. Excessive stress, heat, and emotional stress also aggravate the symptoms of eczema. Although eczema is not contagious, personal hygiene is of great importance. Residue from detergents may settle on your clothes and this can either cause or aggravate Eczema symptoms. Make sure that you use the specified amount of detergent, and not more, when washing your clothes. Also, make sure that you rinse your clothes well to minimize residual detergent. If you have sensitive skin, you can use warm water for the last rinse as this too will help to minimize residue from detergents. When using cleaning liquids and solvents, make sure that you use gloves to protect your hands. You should also make sure that these liquids do not come in contact with your skin and if they do, make sure that you rinse the area well with a mild soap and running water. To minimize irritation caused by smoke residue, make sure that you have a quick shower if you have been exposed to excessive amounts of smoke or soot. Extreme temperatures can also aggravate skin irritation and so it is important to stay cool in summer and warm in winter. If you have suffered from Eczema before, you can also make use of different home remedies for Eczema on a regular basis to prevent the onset of this condition. Use a cool moisturizing lotion made out of cucumber juice and sweet almond oil in the summer months and in the winter you can use a warming lotion made out of a few drops of ginger essential oil mixed with a spoon of olive oil and a little coconut milk or water.

Tips to get rid of Eczema

  • Sunbathing is beneficiary as it kills harmful bacteria.
  • Soaps, chemicals, and other drying agents should be avoided.
  • Increase your intake of vitamin B6
  • Do exercise, meditation, and relax your mind
  • Use fragrance-free bathing products.

Home Remedies For Dermatitis

  1. Skin wash.
  2. A light mudpack applied over the place of eczema is very beneficial.
  3. Apply the fine paste of 1 tsp camphor and 1 teaspoon sandalwood on the affected eczema areas.
  4. The effective remedy for Eczema is to make a fine paste by adding 1 tbsp of turmeric powder and 1 tbsp of bitter neem leaves and applying this paste to affected areas.
  5. Apply spearmint leaf juice to Eczema affected areas. It proved beneficiary.
  6. Mash almond leaves in water and apply them on the area, it will also help in the eczema treatment.
  7. Papaya seeds mashed and applied on areas prevent itching of the skin suffering from eczema.
  8. Boil 25 grams of Neem Tree bark and mango bark in one liter of water. Allow the vapor to foment the affected part. After the fomentation, the affected part should be anointed with ghee.
  9. An effective Eczema home remedy is called when you add an equal quantity of carrot juice and spinach juice and apply it to the affected eczema area.
  10. Apply the paste of nutmeg slowly rubbing it on a smooth stone with little water.
  11. Pour 2 cups of colloidal oatmeal into a tub of lukewarm water and bath with this water properly.
  12. Boil 25 grams of Babul Tree bark and mango bark in one liter of water. Allow the vapor to foment the affected part. After the fomentation, the affected part should be anointed with ghee.
  13. Mix the following ingredients:
  • 1 tsp. comfrey root.
  • 1 tsp. white oak bark.
  • 1 tsp. slippery elm bark.
  • 2 cups of water.
  • Boil for 35 minutes and use it to wash the affected area.
  1. Vitamin B complex is needed for healthy skin.
  2. Taking Biotin pills is essential to prevent dermatitis. Put Vitamin E on the affected area it calms the itching. Never use synthetic vitamin E because your body will not be able to utilize it. Synthetic vitamin E has a dl instead of a d in front of its description: dl-alpha tocopherol.
  3. Take Zinc orally and apply it directly on dermatitis.
  4. Shark cartilage reduces inflammation.
  5. Use a lotion made out of blueberry leaves this is proven to be fantastic in relieving inflammation of dermatitis.


Author: Dr Izharul Hasan



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