Home Remedies For Migraine

Home Remedies For Migraine

Home Remedies For Migraine


Migraine is the term used to describe severe pain in the head. This can be caused by the contraction or dilatation of blood vessels in the brain and irregular nerve activity mainly in the meninges. Migraine is caused by the stimulation of the trigeminal nerve, which releases a substance inducing inflammation and also sends messages to pain receptors in the meninges.

Migraine Headaches are paroxysmal ailments, that are accompanied by a severe headaches. The headache normally occurs on one side of the head. Migraine is associated with disorders of digestion, liver, and sight. Migraine headaches occur sometimes due to great mental tension and stress. Migraine headache patients are typically smart, inflexible, and disciplined. Sudden migraine attacks may occur due to overworked muscles in the head and neck and due to continuous stress.

The blood flow drops because these tight muscles squeeze the arteries. When the person suddenly relaxes these tight muscles expand and stretch the blood vessel walls. The blood pumped with each heartbeat then pushes the vessels further causing immense pain.

Migraine occurs most often in women, due to fluctuations in the level of the hormone estrogen, that’s the reason why women get migraines around the time of menstruation when estrogen levels are low.

During pregnancy is also common to suffer migraines, especially during early pregnancy. The cause may be hormonal, but the headache can be due to excess tension too.

People who suffer from migraines often are between the ages of 20 and 30. However, children can have migraine too, but their symptoms are shown as colic, periodic abdominal pains, vomiting, dizziness, and severe motion sickness, then these symptoms will disappear, focusing on the exact problem, painful headaches. Almost every person who suffers from migraines will have some symptoms before having one.


  • Photophobia
  • Throbbing pain in half of head
  • Eyes become red and the patient perceives burning eyes
  • Nausea sensation and vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • The patient wishes to stay all alone and feels comfortable in a silent and dark room
  • Depression and irritability
  • Numbness or weakness in an arm or leg

Causes of Migraine

  • Stress and overburdening of the mind
  • Tensions
  • Acidity, Indigestion, or Constipation
  • Excessive smoking and taking alcohol
  • Low blood sugar, low blood pressure
  • General body weakness
  • Menstruation in women
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Consistent overwork
  • Improper sleep and rest

Home Remedies For Migraine

  1. Primrose oil, is an anti-inflammatory agent, that keeps the blood vessels from constricting.
  2. Multivitamins and mineral formulas are necessary daily to complement the nutrients we do not include in our diet.
  3. Eat 10-12 almonds, for a migraine headache. It is very effective in migraine treatment.
  4. Take the juice of ripe grapes. It is an effective home remedy for migraine headaches.
  5. Make a solution by adding half a teaspoon of mustard seeds powder and three teaspoons of water, and put it in the nostrils; it helps to decrease the migraine headache.
  6. Take a few leaves of the cabbage crush them, and then place them in a cloth and bound on the forehead at bedtime, or when convenient during the day. The Compress should be renewed when the leaves dry out. It is very effective in migraine relief.
  7. The crusts of lemon are also very beneficial in the treatment of migraine headaches. These crusts should be included in a fine paste in a mortar. The paste should be applied, it plasters on the forehead. It is very helpful in migraine cure.
  8. Carrot juice, in combination with spinach, or beet and cucumber juices, is also very effective in the treatment of migraine. In the first combination, 200 ml of spinach juice may be mixed with 300 ml of carrot juice to prepare 500 ml or half a liter of the combined juices. In the second combination, 100 ml of beet and cucumber juices may be mixed with 300 ml of carrot juice. Rutin removes toxic metals which may cause migraines.
  9. Garlic is a potent detoxifier.
  10. Vitamin C with bioflavonoids helps in producing an anti-stress adrenal hormone and enhances immunity.
  11. In addition, there are a variety of herbs that can help to control and relieve migraines: Cordyceps, reduce anxiety and stress, and at the same time promote sleep.
  12. Feverfew reduces discomfort and pain. Caution: Avoid during pregnancy
  13. The herb Kava is a very useful alternative for migraine, its properties allow a very peaceful sedative feeling which helps to achieve a deep state of relaxation these effects reduce migraine headaches, and improve sleep without diminishing concentration. Take 180 mg. a day for only three days in a row. Kava is a very powerful herb; high levels can have adverse effects on the liver. Do not take more than the recommended dosage.


Author: Dr Izharul Hasan



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