Kids Stories Kids Moral Story : The Ant and the Grasshopper June 28, 2022June 28, 2022 The Ant and the Grasshopper One summer's day, a merry Grasshopper was dancing, singing and playing his violin with all his heart. He saw an...
Kids Stories Kids Moral Story : Hare and the Tortoise June 28, 2022 Hare and the Tortoise Once a hare was roaming near a lake in a forest. Suddenly he saw a tortoise and mocked him saying -...
Kids Stories Kids Moral Story : The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing June 28, 2022 The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing One day a wolf found a sheepskin. He covered himself with the sheepskin and got into a flock of sheep...
Kids Stories Kids Moral Story : The Farmer and the Sons June 28, 2022 The Farmer and the Sons A farmer had five sons. They were strong and hardworking. But they always quarreled with one another. Sometimes, they even...
Kids Stories Kids Moral Story : The Villager and the Spectacles June 27, 2022June 27, 2022 The Villager and the Spectacles There was a villager. He was illiterate. He did not know how to read and write. He often saw people...
Uncategorized Kids Moral Story : The Wind and the Sun June 27, 2022June 27, 2022 The Wind and the Sun Once the Wind and the Sun had an argument. “I am stronger than you,” said the Wind. “No, you are...
Islam حیات و سیرت : حضرت ابوبکر صدیق رضی اللہ عنہ June 27, 2022October 12, 2023 حیات و سیرت : حضرت ابوبکر صدیق رضی اللہ عنہ حضرت سیدنا ابوبکر صدیق رضی اللہ عنہ کا نام عبداللہ بن عثمان بن عامر بن...
Islam شرم و حیاء : جس میں حیاء نہیں اس میں ایمان نہیں June 27, 2022October 12, 2023 شرم و حیاء : جس میں حیاء نہیں اس میں ایمان نہیں گناہوں سے بچنے میں حیاء بہت ہی مُؤَثِّرہے ۔اسی لیے کہا گیا...
Islam حیات و سیرت : امام جعفر صادِق رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ June 27, 2022June 27, 2022 ولادت حضرت امام جعفر صادِق رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ کی وِلادت۱۷ ربیع النّور ۸۳ ھ پیر کے دن مدینۃ المنورہ میں ہوئی ۔ کنیت والقاب...
Food & Health 5 Ways to Incorporate Mango into Your Diet Plan June 26, 2022 Mango is a symbol of summer indulgence. The bright yellow fruit, also known as the "King of Fruits", has dedicated followers all over...