Home Remedies For Bladder Infection

Home Remedies For Bladder Infection

Home Remedies For Bladder Infection


An invasion of bacteria into the urinary tract causes UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). The bacteria enter from the opening of the urethra and proceed further into the urinary tract. Some of the causes of UTI include sexual intercourse, multiple sexual partners, and holding urine for too long. Urinary tract infection can be very painful, if not treated in time. The term UTI includes bladder irritation, as well as an infection caused by various microorganisms.

Bladder infection conditions occur more often in women, due to anatomical differences. In middle-aged men, however, a swollen prostate is the typical cause of urinary retention and infection. Underlying causes include nutritional deficiencies and immune susceptibility, as well as the more obvious irritations from intercourse, tight clothing, spices, coffee, tea, medicines, alcohol, or high sugar in the urine. Food allergies may be a significant factor, especially in children.

Herbs for the urinary tract infection generally have diuretic effects, to flush out infection and inflammation by-products. Many are also antimicrobial, either destroying microorganisms or stimulating the body to do so. Along with quelling inflammation, other plants help heal irritated mucus membrane linings of the bladder, urethra and ureter, and kidney tubules.

In most cases, simple bladder infections can be easily and effectively dealt with using the herbs below. In cases where antibiotic-resistant bacteria are involved, or where no bacteria are detected, as in interstitial cystitis, herbs become even more important and uniquely effective. It can also spread to the kidney, causing serious health problems. Though the disease can affect members of both the sex, women are more susceptible to it. Some of the common symptoms of urinary tract infection are a burning sensation while urinating, a constant urge to urinate, blood in the urine, fever, vomiting, nausea, backache, and pain below the ribs. In the following lines, we have provided some of the best home remedies for treating UTI.


The most common cause of UTIs is bacteria from the bowel that live on the skin near the rectum or in the vagina, which can spread and enter the urinary tract through the urethra. Once these bacteria enter the urethra, they travel upward, causing infection in the bladder and sometimes other parts of the urinary tract. Sexual intercourse is a common cause of urinary tract infections because the female anatomy can make women more prone to urinary tract infections. During sexual activity, bacteria in the vaginal area are sometimes massaged into the urethra.

Women who change sexual partners or begin having sexual intercourse more frequently may experience bladder or urinary tract infections more often than women who are celibate or in monogamous relationships. Although it is rare, some women get a urinary tract infection every time they have sex. Another cause of bladder infections or UTI is waiting too long to urinate. The bladder is a muscle that stretches to hold urine and contracts when the urine is released. Waiting too long past the time you first feel the need to urinate can cause the bladder to stretch beyond its capacity. Over time, this can weaken the bladder muscle. When the bladder is weakened, it may not empty completely and some urine is left in the bladder. This may increase the risk of urinary tract infections or bladder infections.


Cystitis usually produces a frequent, urgent need to urinate and a burning or painful sensation while urinating. These symptoms usually develop over several hours or a day. The urgent need to urinate may cause an uncontrollable loss of urine (urge incontinence), especially in older people. Fever is rarely present. Pain is usually felt above the pubic bone and often in the lower back as well. Frequent urination during the night (nocturia) may be another symptom. The urine is often cloudy and contains visible blood in about 30% of people. Air can be passed in the urine (pneumaturia) when infection results from an abnormal connection between the bladder and the intestine or the vagina (fistula). Symptoms of cystitis may disappear without treatment. Sometimes cystitis produces no symptoms, particularly in older people, and is discovered when urine tests are performed for other reasons. A person whose bladder is malfunctioning because of nerve damage (neurogenic bladder—see Spotlight on AgingSidebar) or a person who has a permanently placed catheter may have cystitis with no symptoms until a kidney infection or an unexplained fever develops.

Home Remedies For Bladder Infection

  1. Baking soda is effective in curing urinary tract infections. In an eight-ounce glass of water, add ½ tsp of baking soda. Mix this well and drink it.
  2. Cranberry juice disallows bacteria to cling to the cell, which lines the urinary tract. It is a great remedy to fight this infection. If you cannot have cranberry juice directly you can mix it with apple juice to add some taste.
  3. Buchu-Agathosma or Barosma betulina
  • A diuretic and urinary antiseptic for cystitis, urethritis, and prostatitis.
  • Tones the urinary tract and helps prevent stones; treats bedwetting.
  • Helpful for prostate enlargement and resulting bladder infections.
  1. In acute cases try having 1/2 tsp of tincture every hour. The severe infection needs severe measures. Blend equal parts of pipsissewa, buchu, echinacea, and uva ursi tinctures. Have 20 drops of this blended mixture every two hours for the first two days and later 1 tsp four times a day, till you have completely recovered. Have a soothing tea such as marshmallow root to counter the strong antiseptic effect of urva ursi.
  2. Corn Silk-Zea mays
  • A soothing diuretic for irritation of the bladder, urethra, and prostate.
  • Relieves urinary tract inflammation and bedwetting in children.
  • Effective for difficult and scant urination, cystitis, and kidney stones.
  1. Couchgrass-Agropyron repens
  • A soothing urinary demulcent, useful for infection or inflammation of the prostate, urethra, or bladder. Useful in kidney stones and gravel.
  1. Cranberry-Vacciniurn macrocarpon
  • Reduces bacteria and prevents them from adhering to the bladder walls.
  • Can be taken as prevention in people with recurring infections.
  • Safe and effective during pregnancy, for children and the elderly.
  • Mildly acidifies the urine, eliminating alkaline bacteria, (i.e. E. coli).
  • Reduces the effectiveness of uva ursi; should not be used together.
  1. Goldenrod-Solidago virgaurea, Diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic effects for cystitis, and urethritis. Pain-relieving and antifungal, tone the bladder and soothes irritation. Safe and mild action; does not deplete the body’s electrolytes/potassium.
  2. Goldenseal-Hydrastis Canadensis, Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial; destroy many types of bacteria.
  • Especially effective for chronic cystitis or stubborn urinary mucus.
  • The healing effect on bladder linings stops bleeding and heals ulcerations.
  1. Gravel Root-Joe Pye Weed/Eupatorium purpureum, For bedwetting in kids with bad dreams, hold their urine for too long. For irritable bladder with frequent desire, always feels full, and uneasy. For incontinence in women, old age, children, and enlarged prostate.
  2. Horsetail-Equisetum arvense, Acute urinary tract infection; safe during pregnancy or weakened states. For bed-wetting or enuresis in children or weak bladder in the elderly. Diuretic effects, but does not deplete the body of salts or electrolytes.
  3. Juniper Berry-Juniperus communis, A powerful diuretic, antispasmodic and strong antibiotic for cystitis. Must not be used for prolonged periods or in kidney infections.
  1. Marshmallow-Althea Officinalis, A soothing demulcent to the lining of the urinary tract. Use for acute inflammation, typical of bladder infections. Decreases inflammation in the respiratory, digestive, or urinary tract.
  2. Parsley Root-Petroselinum crispum, Diuretic effects for cystitis, kidney stones. Soothes burning, itching, and crawling in the urethra. Avoid in kidney disease or pregnancy. Helps with symptoms of pain, frequent desire, urging, and mucus discharges.
  3. Sarsaparilla-Smilax Officinalis, For cystitis, kidney infections, bladder stones, kidney colic, and bedwetting. ” A blood purifier that is antiseptic, anti-inflammatory; controls itching. Diuretic. Rheumatic or skin problems (psoriasis) with urinary irritation.
  4. Uva ursi-Arctostaphylos uva ursi is a Urinary disinfectant and antiseptic, effective for many types of bacteria. ” Diuretic and astringent for chronic and acute urinary problems. ” Avoid acidic foods—and cranberry—which decrease its effectiveness.
  5. Yarrow- millefolium, Increases urination, has antimicrobial effects and stops bleeding. Anti-inflammatory properties, while soothing bladder spasms. Tones the urinary tract and acts as a mild pain reliever in infections.


Author: Dr Izharul Hasan



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