Home Remedies For Cramping

Home Remedies For Cramping

Home Remedies For Cramping


Cramping can occur in any hollow organ of the body, but here we are primarily dealing with spasms in the digestive tract. Causes are many, including indigestion, infection, or inflammation anywhere in the intestinal tract. Infantile colic, due to weak digestion, food allergies, and gas formation, is a trial for both mother and baby. In adults, a variety of irritants can cause acute cramps, while chronic gut toxicity causes cramps relating to dysbiosis, irritable bowel, and colitis. In all cases, underlying causes need to be addressed while painful spasms are being alleviated.

Antispasmodic herbs can provide a simple and non-toxic approach to calming painful cramps and colic. Such herbs are often nervines as well, providing sedative and calming effects for jangled nerves.

Other needed herbs are also carminatives, helping expel excess gas and digestive tonics with anti-inflammatory effects. Deeper problems can be improved with herbal detoxification programs for the intestines and liver. In colic, food allergies in the baby, or in a mother who is breastfeeding, need to be identified and eliminated, until the immune system can be re-regulated to eliminate these sensitivities. The same holds true for adults.

Home Remedies For Cramping

  1. Drink plenty of fluids and oral rehydration solutions as electrolyte loss and dehydration are the most common causes of muscle cramps. Drinking liquids like caffeinated drinks or alcoholic drinks does not constitute your fluid intake as these are diuretics and will actually have the opposite effect on your system.
  2. Stretching your muscles gently with light exercise like riding a stationary bicycle for a few minutes before going to bed can help loosen up and strengthen the muscles. This would greatly limit the occurrence or severity of night leg cramps.
  3. Anise-Pimpinella anisum
  • An important infant and child remedy for colic and general cramping.
  • Antispasmodic and carminative, eases nausea, indigestion, and bloating.
  • Safe, gentle, and tasty; can work via breast milk. Improves appetite.
  1. Caraway-Carum carvi
  • Similar to fennel and anise, relieve intestinal colic or cramps associated with gas, bloating, digestive upset, nausea, and indigestion.
  • Gentle enough for children, and also good for menstrual cramping.
  1. Catnip-Nepeta cataria
  • Relieves intestinal spasm and gas, diarrhea; mild relaxing effect.
  • Relieves upset stomach, and indigestion. Safe for children and the elderly.
  • Is especially effective for intestinal or gastric upset of a nervous origin.
  • Gentle and calming; sedates anxiety, reduces fever, and eases headaches.
  1. Multi-vitamin and mineral supplements may help, but should only be taken after consulting with a nutritionist or doctor for the appropriate dosage. Calcium, potassium, and magnesium deficiencies are often the cause of night leg cramps.
  2. Chamomile-Matricaria recutita
  • Effective antispasmodic and colic remedy soothes indigestion; they are anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. Calm irritability, restlessness, insomnia.
  • Antidotes effects on the nursing child of coffee or drug use by mother.
  1. Cramp Bark-Viburnum opulus
  • Stronger antispasmodic than black haw; relieves painful cramping in abdomen, stomach, uterus, or bladder. Relieves back pain, and neuralgia.
  • Effective for menstrual cramps, and false labor pains. Helps with leg cramps.
  1. Dill-Anethum graveolens
  • Relieves intestinal spasms, cramps, infantile colic, and indigestion.
  • Dispels gas and calms and improves digestion; antibacterial action.
  • Increases breast milk, which carries antispasmodic effects to the infant.
  1. Fennel-Foeniculum vulgare
  • Stimulates digestion, and relieves colic, flatulence, bloating, and distension.
  • Like anise and caraway, also used in coughs, as an antispasmodic and expectorant. Increases breast milk; has a reputation as a longevity herb.
  1. Kava Kava-Piper methysticum
  • Muscle relaxant and antispasmodic for internal organs and muscle tension. Sedative pain and cramp relievers reduce sensitivity to pain.
  • Strongly reduces anxiety, relieves sleeplessness, and is a mild antiseptic.
  1. Lemon Balm-Melissa Officinalis
  • Eases cramps and spasms, gas and bloating, indigestion and colic pains, and gastric acidity. Useful for problems related to stress and anxiety.
  • A good children’s herb; that soothes anxiety, irritability, and restlessness.
  1. Licorice-Glycyrrhiza glabra
  • Demulcent and anti-inflammatory, decrease the spasms of gastritis or intestinal distress, and relieves stomach ulcers and the body’s stress response.
  • A mild laxative assists in the body’s clearing of poorly digested foods.
  1. Peppermint-Mentha Piperita
  • Digestive antispasmodic; relieves colic, spasm, and spastic constipation.
  • Carminative, dispels gas and distention, with pain-relieving action.
  • Stomachic, improves digestion, stimulates secretions and bile output.
  1. Valerian-Valeriana officinalis
  • A sedative and antispasmodic, relaxing intestinal cramps, and muscle tension. Relieves spasms and pain related to anxiety and emotional upset.
  • For cramps with diarrhea, or after eating. Promotes restful sleep.
  1. Wild Yam-Dioscorea villosa
  • Important antispasmodic for cramps in any hollow organ; intestines, stomach, or gall bladder spasm. For colic that is relieved by stretching.
  • Helps with gas and flatulence, belching, indigestion, and upset from tea.
  1. Yarrow-Achillea millefolium
  • A digestive antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and pain reliever.
  • For cramping pains or stomachache, distension, or gas pain.
  • A sedative and tranquilizing herb that promotes tissue healing.


Author: Dr Izharul Hasan



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