Home Remedies For Cuts

Home Remedies For Cuts

Home Remedies For Cuts


Cuts and scrapes are breaks in the skin that are inevitable in the course of life. They can be painful, interfering with movement and activities. Cuts can bleed profusely, especially if they are on the head, face, hands, mouth, or feet, where there are many blood vessels close to the surface of the skin. They can become infected, especially if they are on the face, fingers, and hands, which are not normally covered with clothing. These are very common injuries and home remedies for cuts can cam very handy.

Cuts can leave scars. Special attention should be given to those on the face and lips so that there will be no noticeable lasting skin defect. Cuts on the lips often require stitches to heal properly. Stitches may be required to close larger wounds elsewhere to effect minimal scarring. The more severe the cut, the more underlying tissues may be involved and the longer it may take to heal. Home remedies for cuts can speed up healing.

You can treat minor cuts and scrapes at home with basic first aid and home remedies for cuts. However, if the pain from a cut is severe, if bleeding cannot be stopped, if redness and tenderness develop around the wounds, if a cut is deep or long, or if it involves your lips, consult your physician or go to the emergency room of the nearest hospital immediately.

Home Remedies For Cuts

  1. Beta-carotene. Take 25,000 international units a day.
  2. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). Take 50 milligrams a day
  3. Vitamin C. Take 3,000 to 5,000 milligrams a day.
  4. Vitamin E. Take 400 international units a day
  5. Zinc. Take 50 to 100 milligrams a day.
  6. If the cut is superficial, after cleaning you can cover the cut with a mixture of zinc oxide cream and vitamin-E oil.
  7. Calendula gel or ointment stimulates fast healing at the skin’s surface and is a good choice for a nice clean wound. It is been endorsed by Commission E, the body of experts that advises the German government about herbs, for reducing inflammation and promoting wound healing.
  8. Clove oil is high in eugenol, a compound that is both an antiseptic and a painkiller. You can sprinkle powdered cloves on a cut to prevent infection.
  9. Comfrey roots and leaves contain allantoin, which stimulates cell division and speeds wound healing and scar formation. You can take some fresh leaves and rub them directly on your cuts and scrapes. You can also find commercial cream formulations of comfrey in many health food stores. Do not take comfrey internally, however.
  10. Echinacea is also Commission E-approved as a topical treatment for superficial cuts. This herb has powerful immune-stimulating properties. You can also drink a cup of Echinacea tea three to four times a day to strengthen your immune system to speed healing.
  11. Goldenseal contains several antiseptic compounds. You can apply a poultice of crushed goldenseal root to any minor cuts.
  12. Yarrow is excellent for stopping bleeding. Just sprinkle powdered yarrow extract onto the cut. Yarrow leaves and flowers have been used since ancient Roman times for their blood-clotting, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving qualities.
  13. There are a number of herbal first-aid creams available, including calendula in echinacea and- comfrey combinations; calendula blended with white sage, elderflower, and chickweed; and calendula mixed with goldenseal, propolis, and myrrh to make topical botanical antiseptics.


Author: Dr Izharul Hasan



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