Home Remedies For Indigestion

Home Remedies For Indigestion

Home Remedies For Indigestion


Indigestion usually happens when people eat too much too fast, or when they have consumed foods that don’t settle well in the stomach – like spicy foods or foods that are too rich. Digestive problems, such as ulcers, can cause the symptoms of indigestion too. Bile reflux and Home Remedies For Indigestiongastritis also fall under the umbrella of indigestion. Stress and anxiety can also trigger the release of excess stomach acids leading to hyperacidity, which means a relatively mild meal could still result in indigestion. But most cases of indigestion can be linked to incorrect eating habits – eating too fast and swallowing pockets of air, which then cause trapped wind that can be very uncomfortable. Carbonated drinks or acidic beverages (such as wine) can also trigger nasty episodes of bloating and indigestion.

Tips for triggering Indigestion

  • Avoiding problem foods that you know cause an upset in the stomach. (This may be spicy foods, some sea foods, or rich sauces).
  • Eat several smaller meals throughout instead of one or two huge meals in one sitting.
  • As much as possible, avoid fatty, greasy foods, or processed foods with high fat and salt content, such as fast foods.
  • Eat slowly, and chew food well.
  • Try not to drink fizzy drinks with your meal. Rather wait till 15 minutes after a meal to drink a beverage – and even then, small sips are best.
  • If you smoke, try to quit in a natural manner.
  • Find ways to relax and decrease stress – yoga and meditation can help to calm anxiety.
  • Give your body a chance to digest food! It is never a good idea to take part in any activity directly after a meal. Try to eat at least an hour beforehand, or eat after playing sports or being physically active.

Home Remedies For Indigestion

  1. A spoonful of Carom seeds (Ajwain) and Black salt was taken with hot water to reduce indigestion.
  2. Drinking salted Buttermilk every day helps to reduce indigestion.
  3. Eating a piece of Ginger after every meal helps to prevent indigestion problems.
  4. Lemon juice with Black salt taken with Luck warm water also helps to cure indigestion problems.
  5. Using Garlic or Asafoetida (Hing) meals also helps to reduce indigestion.
  6. Eating a Banana after every meal helps to overcome indigestion problems.
  7. Eating White grapes regularly helps to overcome indigestion problems.
  8. Eating papaya (papita) every day also helps to improve digestion and prevents indigestion problems.
  9. Eating Radishes with Salt and Black pepper (kali mirch) along with meals also helps in curing indigestion problems.
  10. Equal quantities of Cinnamon (Dalchini), Dry Ginger ( Sonth), and Cardamom (Elaichi) are powdered, Eating a pinch of this powder helps in curing indigestion.
  11. Eating Oranges with Black salt after meals helps to get relief from indigestion problems.
  12. When you are facing indigestion due to drinking plain milk, add a Long pepper (pipple) or Ginger piece (Adrak) or a few Cumin seeds (Jeera) while boiling milk.
  13. Drinking Mint (Pudina) juice with Honey every morning helps to overcome the indigestion problem.
  14. Eating Drumsticks (Muranka Bhaji) in any form helps to reduce indigestion problems.
  15. Drinking a spoonful of Honey helps to reduce indigestion.
  16. Makoi leaves and fruits are very good for digestion. Eat them regularly to overcome indigestion problems.
  17. Brinjal (Baingan) especially long is good for curing indigestion problems.
  18. Eating a Gooseberry (Amla) every day helps to prevent indigestion problems. Many people with acid reflux find their symptoms improve if they take supplements containing betaine hydrochloride (HC1). Apparently, if the level of acid in the stomach is too low, the sphincter muscle separating the stomach and the esophagus can loosen, allowing what acid there is to escape up into the esophagus. Betaine HC1 increases the acidity of the stomach and helps prevent this problem. It is available in a variety of formulas, both on its own and with additional digestive enzymes. Follow the dosage directions on the product label and take it immediately after meals.
  19. If your main complaint occurs within thirty minutes of eating, take a full-spectrum digestive-enzyme supplement providing 5,000 international units of lipase, 2,500 international units of amylase, and 300 international units of protease, plus 500 to 1,000 milligrams of pancreatin, immediately after the two largest meals of the day to ensure complete digestion. Note: Long-term supplementation with pancreatin is not advised, as it can cause your pancreas to reduce its own production of this important enzyme. Overuse also has the potential to cause nausea or diarrhea. After two months on pancreatin, discontinue use and monitor your reaction. If you find that your digestive problems recur, discuss pancreatin supplementation with your healthcare provider.
  20. Glutamine can help soothe irritation in the gastrointestinal tract. Try taking 500 milligrams of L-glutamine two to three times daily for up to one month.
  21. Take probiotic supplements of acidophilus and/or bifidobacteria. For indigestion, powdered or liquid formulas are the best choice; these work in the stomach, while capsules open in the intestines. Tablets are not usually as effective and must be chewed thoroughly.
  22. Acidophilus powder can be taken at any time for indigestion—simply take 1/4 to ½ teaspoon as needed. If you must use capsules, open them and pour the contents onto your tongue rather than swallowing them whole. If you are allergic to milk, select a dairy-free formula.
  23. Vitamin E soothes the stomach. Choose the mixed tocopherol or d-alpha tocopherol form, not dl-alpha-tocopherol. Begin by taking 200 international units daily and gradually increase the dosage until you are taking 400 international units once or twice daily. Note: If you have high blood pressure, limit your intake of supplemental vitamin E to a total of 400 international units daily. If you are taking an anticoagulant (blood thinner), consult your physician before taking supplemental vitamin E.

Herbal treatment for indigestion

  1. Aloe vera juice helps to clear and resolve an upset stomach that feels “burning.” Make sure to get a food-grade product. Take 1 tablespoon diluted in 6 ounces of water up to three times daily. Use it sparingly; it can be a strong cathartic.
  2. Gentian root is a bitter herb that has been used for centuries throughout Europe to enhance digestion, especially of proteins and fats. Take 500 milligrams twice a day, with meals.
  3. Ginger is a notable digestive aid. It aids digestion, enhances assimilation, and reduces nausea. Take one or two 500-milligram capsules as needed.
  4. Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) can be amazingly helpful. Chew two 250- to 500- milligram lozenges with a glass of water twenty minutes before each meal. Note: Ordinary licorice can elevate blood pressure, and should not be taken on a daily basis for more than five days in a row. DGL should not have this effect, however.
  5. Peppermint is a time-tested, time-honored herb that is very effective for all forms of indigestion. It enhances digestion, speeds up the emptying time of the stomach, and reduces flatulence. Drink peppermint tea with meals.


Author: Dr Izharul Hasan



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