Home Remedies For Mumps

Home Remedies For Mumps

Home Remedies For Mumps


Approximately 50% of all pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting between the sixth and the twelfth week of pregnancy. It’s completely normal and can occur at any time of the day, although it is called morning sickness. But 1 in 300 women will have severe abnormal vomiting which is, continual nausea and vomiting after the twelfth week. This type of vomiting is called hyperemesis gravidarum, and it can result in dehydration, acidosis, malnutrition, and weight loss. This condition can be dangerous to the fetus if persists. The reason for Hyperemesis gravidarum has not been identified yet, but an association between high levels of the hormones estrogen and chronic gonadotropin ( HCG ) has been found. HCG is a hormone produced by the placenta that increases until the end of the first trimester.

Other possible problems related to abnormal o severe vomiting include bile duct disease, drug toxicity, pancreatitis, low blood sugar, problems with the thyroid, and inflammatory bowel disorders.

In a more natural term, morning sickness is seen as a cleansing of toxins from the system that is preparing for pregnancy.


The virus responsible for a mumps infection can easily spread from one person to another, which is why you need to exercise caution if you are infected or if there is a possibility of exposure. Most doctors claim that mumps is highly contagious; perhaps as easily transmissible as the common cold or flu. The main medium by which the virus is passed is through infected saliva. No matter how limited the possibility may be, you could end up contracting mumps, just by sharing utensils with a person, who already has mumps. In case an infected person coughs or sneezes in your presence, virus-laden droplets are released into the air, which can be inhaled by you, thereby causing the virus to enter your body. Many people contract mumps after kissing someone who already has been infected by the virus.

There is an incubation period of around 14 to 24 days, for the symptoms of mumps to show up. This means that after exposure to the mumps virus you may not even realize that you are infected for another two to three weeks. During this time, you could pass the virus on to the other people you are in close contact with. On a positive note, once you have been infected you can not suffer from mumps again, as your body develops an immunity to the virus.

Although anyone can be affected by mumps, this condition seems to be more common in children than it is in adults. Studies show that unvaccinated children, who are between the ages of 2 and 12 years are at a much higher risk of developing this condition.

Home Remedies For Mumps

  1. Make a thick paste from dry ginger and water and apply it on to the swollen area around the ears. This should reduce not just the swelling, but also the pain in the area.
  2. Aloe Vera juice and gel are excellent remedies for many health problems, including mumps. Take a fresh Aloe Vera leaf and slice it, so that its natural gel is exposed. Rub this gel onto the area that is inflamed, for relief from the pain and swelling.
  3. Cold therapy is an excellent way to reduce swelling caused by mumps. Rubbing an ice pack should also help numb the area for a while, which reduces the pain naturally.
  4. Get plenty of rest and relaxation, until the fever goes away. Avoid talking more than necessary, so that you can give your jaw rest, which will alleviate the pain around the ears,
  5. Take some over-the-counter pain relievers to alleviate the discomfort caused by mumps. However, children should not be given medication that is recommended for adults.
  6. One of the best home remedies for mumps is wetting a pinch of sodabicarb (NaHCO 3) along with a few drops of water and this solution should be applied to the affected area i.e. face. Remove this within a couple of minutes and apply this twice or thrice a day.
  7. You can also apply a cloth soaked in mullein tea to the cheeks. This will help to combat swelling or inflammation.
  8. Asparagus seeds are one of the useful home remedies for mumps. These are to be taken with an equal quantity of fenugreek seeds and should be grinded well to make a paste-like form. This paste is to be applied on the cheeks i.e. affected area. This will help reduce the swelling.
  9. Another good home remedy for mumps is margosa leaves. These leaves act as good anti-inflammatory agents for mumps. For this, make a powdered form of margosa leaves and mix it with turmeric to make a paste. This can be applied over the cheek and the area below the ears.
  10. Try to avoid acidic drinks and beverages. This may include carbonated water, lime juice, lemonade, etc. These drinks stimulate the salivary glands to produce more saliva and hence, may give more trouble with the mumps.
  11. Chebulic myrobalan is one of the good home remedies for mumps. Make a thick paste from chebulic myrobalan by rubbing it in water and applying this over the swellings.
  12. Make a paste from the powdered form of margosa leaves and turmeric. Apply this externally over the affected parts. This will help you to treat mumps quickly. This is one of the popular home remedies for mumps.
  13. A simple paste made out of ginger (fresh) and little water. Apply it over the swollen area. This will help reduce the mumps’ swelling and will make your cheeks in shape. This is one of the well-liked home remedies for mumps.
  14. The leaves of the banyan tree are considered to be very good for treating mumps. These leaves are to be smeared with ghee (butter oil) and heated on the flame. Apply them to the affected area and bandage them. Keep them for a couple of hours and then, take them off. This will help reduce the swelling. This is one of the well-liked home remedies for mumps.


Author: Dr Izharul Hasan



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