زجاج گر کی دکاں شاعری و ملائی
!ستم ہے ، خوار پھرے دشت و در میں دیوانہ
Zujaj Gar Ki Dukan Shairi-o-Mullai
Sitam Hai, Khwar Phire Dasht-o-Dar Mein Diwana?
Poets and priestly class denote and show the shops of those who blow the glass.
What pity! the mad frequents the wilds and lanes to smash these shops, this way he does not pass.
کسے خبر کہ جنوں میں کمال اور بھی ہیں
کریں اگر اسے کوہ و کمر سے بیگانہ
Kise Khabar Ke Junoon Mein Kamal Aur Bhi Hain
Karain Agar Isse Koh-o-Qamar Se Begana
Few know that madness can with ease display a myriad crafts, accomplishments and skill,
Provided one can completely wean it of the wastes and deserts, from gorge and hill.
ہجوم مدرسہ بھی سازگار ہے اس کو
کہ اس کے واسطے لازم نہیں ہے ویرانہ
Hujoom-e-Madrasa Bhi Saaz Gaar Hai Iss Ko
Ke Iss Ke Waste Lazim Nahin Hai Weerana
The concourse as well as the air of school accord with it and tickle its sense of joy:
As lonely site and haunt for him arenʹt must, At school he never feels cast down or coy.
Takhleeq – Zarb-e-Kaleem | Allama Iqbal Poetry | تخلیق
Deen-o-Hunar – Zarb-e-Kaleem | Allama Iqbal Poetry | دین و ہنر